jeevan kaal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जीवन काल jeevan kaal news and headlines :
1. मेरे जीवन काल में बन सकता है राम मंदिर : भागवत LiveHindustan2. इस देश में भी लोगों को कृष्ण के जीवन काल से जुड़ी सभी बातों का ज्ञान है 1. Some have been very imitated their lifetime or after their death, as Corot and Daumier 2. Thus, the lifetime of its founder, the Franciscan order primed evolution 3. ) the share of experience, including among us, even the youngest are now filled - for those troubled years worth a lifetime 4. It is in the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman age until the beginning of the empire, that the examples are borrowed 5. Maxims François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld Paris 1613-Paris 1680 As we age we become crazier and wiser

Given are the examples of hindi word jeevan kaal usage in english sentences. The examples of jeevan kaal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., life expectancy, lifetime, life span.

It would be interesting to look at certain relevant data regarding India and its neighbours from Human Development Report 200 country in our neighbourhood, Sri Lanka, is much ahead of India in every respect and a big country like ours has such a low rank in the world? Table 6 also shows that though Nepal has half the per capita income of India, yet it is not far behind India in life expectancy and literacy levels.

According to this method, a fixed and an equal amount is charged as depreciation in every accounting period during the lifetime of an asset.
The quality of population depends upon the literacy rate, health of a person indicated by life expectancy and skill formation acquired by the people of the country.
These measures adopted have increased the life expectancy to over 64 years in 2000.
Increase in life expectancy and improvement in childcare are useful in assessing the future progress of the country.
For example, increased life expectancy of people and increased awareness for health care have increased the demand for many health products and services like diet Coke, fat-free cooking oil, and health resorts.
She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime — that's what she has reaped! Her husband, an old man with a flowing beard, says, “I know nothing except bangles.
Among the mood disorders, the lifetime risk of a suicide attempt is highest in case of bipolar mood disorders.
LED light sources consume less electricity and have longer lifetime than light bulbs and fluorescent tubes.
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